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文/方恩格 (Ross Darrell Feingold)


然而,若朱訪美真的成行、或者無論誰當選下一任國民黨主席、開設了新的國民黨代表處,並且就算得到拜登政府、國會議員、智庫、學者或美國媒體的加持,也不會跨海影響到台灣2022年的地方選舉選情。增加公開對美出訪機會或許可能對於國民黨在美國對台相關利益者(key stakeholders)眼中的形象加分,但同時也更有可能發生口誤或失言機會而將情勢弄巧成拙,讓他們裡子面子兼失。










如果國民黨認真考量要在美設立政黨代表處,並且有比「民進黨在當地有辦公室、所以我們也要」更有建設性的理由,筆者樂意在此分享在美設立一個政黨辦公室的三個成功要件供之參考(3P:People, Policy, Process,人、政策、與程序):







無論下任國民黨黨主席是誰、國民黨在台灣的選情如何、或國民黨與美國的關係將如何發展,這些都不會取決於國民黨主席到過美國訪問幾次、或者他在美國重新設了幾個政黨代表處,而是將取決於國民黨做了什麼、推出了什麼亮眼的政策、讓台灣選民如何看待他們。套句美國俗話:「所有政治都是地方性的(all politics is local)」,國民黨的未來,並不會取決於他們在美國做了什麼動作。



《Kuomintang’s American Challenge》

By Ross Darrell Feingold

Former Asia Chairman, Republicans Abroad

Recently Kuomintang chairman candidate Eric Chu, after announcing his intention to compete in the party chairman election has emphasized that if elected, he will re-establish a Kuomintang office in Washington DC, and also visit the United States by the end of this year. Johnny Chiang’s camp has also made an effort in recent days to explain why the Kuomintang has not already opened a Washington DC office.

A US visit, and a representative office, is unlikely to result in the Biden Administration, Members of Congress, think tanks and scholars, or United States media providing any assistance to the Kuomintang’s chance of electoral success in the 2022 local elections of the 2022 presidential and parliamentary elections. However, a poorly executed visit or poorly planned office has the risk of significantly damaging the Kuomintang’s image with key stakeholders in the United States.

There is no reason to believe that the United States government has a preference for who wins the Kuomintang chairman election. The United States has more than enough recent experience with interfering in elections in other countries, and this does not always result in a positive outcome for United States policy goals or the relevant country’s political stability. Regardless, if the United States is to interfere in a foreign election, it is typically national elections rather than a political party internal leadership election. Whether a political office election, or internal election for the Kuomintang, Democratic Progressive Party, or other political party in Taiwan, people in Taiwan should adamantly reject any actions or statements by foreign governments that seek to influence an internal political party election.

There is unfortunately a recent history of United States interference in Taiwan elections, and with Taiwan politicians seeking the United States “stamp of approval” when running for president. In 2011, an official of the then governing Obama Administration anonymously criticized Tsai Ing-wen when she visited the United States, which was detrimental to her presidential election chances. Tsai’s visit to Washington DC in June 2015 in advance of the January 2016 presidential election went much better.

Chu visited the United States in November 2015, after he replaced Hung Hsiu-chu as the Kuomintang’s presidential candidate. This visit came days after the Ma-Xi meeting in Singapore, which means United States policy makers had probably reached their quota for the amount of time they wished to spend on Taiwan-China issues that week. In addition, the Democratic Progressive Party’s likelihood of election victory was already all but assured, and the Obama Administration was in its lame duck period with little incentive to criticize Tsai or support Chu. The visit did provide voters in Taiwan a few video clips of Chu hurrying into, or exiting, meetings at United States government offices in Washington DC, but resulted in no benefit for his doomed presidential campaign. Han Kuo-yu did not visit the United States in the final months of the 2020 presidential election campaign, which in this author’s view was a correct decision given the strength of the Taiwan government’s relationship with the Trump Administration.

The reality is few foreign political parties have representative offices in the United States. The reasons for this include that the usual contact windows for foreign political parties are United States embassies (or in the case of Taiwan, the American Institute in Taiwan), a significant financial expense is necessary for the office to be effective, difficulty in selecting the right representative, and that it is sufficient for a foreign politician to periodically visit the United States without the need to have a party representative office.

Another significant issue is that for some key stakeholders in Washington DC, the perception is that a foreign political party office, especially one in opposition, exists for purposes of gaining United States support to remove their country’s government. According to the Department of Justice’s registration website, only a small number of foreign political parties are registered as conducting advocacy work in the United States. This includes Canada’s governing Liberal Party, which is understandable given the importance of the bilateral relationship and the large number of Canadians who reside in the United States, and Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party’s which has had an office in the United States for over 25 years. Others include ruling or opposition parties from the European Union parliament, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Tunisia, and Turkey.

There needs to be a significant reason for the Kuomintang to re-establish a Washington DC office other than simply because the Democratic Progressive Party has an office. In this author’s opinion, for a US office to be successful, the Kuomintang will need to focus on Three P’s: People, Policy, Process.

By far the most significant issue in US-Taiwan relations is security cooperation and weapons sales. The Kuomintang’s representative to the United States, in order to be taken seriously by Biden Administration, Members of Congress, as well as think tanks and scholars, must have significant military experience beyond simply having served the minimum national service. A representative with no military experience would be a non-starter. The representative must be free from scandal, have no compromising relations to China, and the maturity to deal with the inevitable criticisms of their activities that will come from either Taiwan, Taiwan government friendly persons and organizations in the United States, the media, or even from critics within the Kuomintang.

Secondly, the Kuomintang must have policies on issues relevant to the United States, and the Kuomintang’s representative to the United States must be able to articulate these policies to American stakeholders. If the Kuomintang really is a loyal opposition, it is understandable that it disagrees with the Tsai Administration on various issues whether China relations, the purchase or cost of weapons sold to Taiwan by the United States, importing into Taiwan pork from the United States that contains ractopamine, or the use of nuclear power. Starting from the 2014 local election and including the 2016 and 2020 presidential and legislative elections, the Kuomintang has struggled to articulate its policies both domestically and internationally.

Finally, the importance of process cannot be underestimated. This includes clearly defining the work scope and lines of authority. If the representative is also responsible for fund raising and encouraging eligible voters to return to Taiwan to vote for the Kuomintang, then the representative must have relevant skills. The ability to speak directly with the party chairman, without the need to first pass through layers of party bureaucracy, is also important.

Ultimately though, the next party chairman’s domestic political success, or management of relations with the United States, will not depend on his visits to the United States or whether there is a representative office in the United States. It will depend on how Taiwan’s voters view the Kuomintang’s policies. As the saying in the United States goes, “all politics is local”.

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